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Mylee by MyMilk

Meet MyLee

A milk sensing device and App, for personal feedback on milk supply establishment, and guidance throught the first weeks of breastfeeding

By inserting just several milk drops into the device daily, and app interaction, you can see your day-to-day progress and get personal tips.

The MyLee is in beta testing. You can join! 

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TC Top Pick

MyMilk was selected as starup Top Picks TC Disrupt SF for Biotech/Healthtech, 2019

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BBC Click

MyLee Milk Scanner was Featured on BBC Click,, as part of Baby gadget focus.

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Baby Tech, nocamels

MyMilk Labs AND our MyLee device listed among 9 Israeli Innovations Reinventing infant care by nocamels 2021

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MyLee system is not a medical divice, and is not intended to diagnose or treat any clinical condition, or to substitute for a healthcare provider’s consultation.
These reports are not intended to tell you anything about your or your baby’s current state of health, or to be used to make medical decisions, including whether or not you should take a medical treatment. Our insights can help you monitor and manage your breastfeeding care and milk supply, and provide suggestions for improving the breastfeeding mom’s care. It is advised to consult with a lactation consultant or a medical health provider about your reports. .